35 mm Vlads Test Target

The Power of USAF 1951 Resolution Chart 

USAF 1951 Targets on 35mm Adox CMS 20 Film

This premier product from the Vlads Test Targets collection features ten classic USAF 1951 Resolution Power Charts precisely positioned on a single frame of high-resolution Adox CMS 20 II Pro 35mm film. These targets are indispensable for setting up and calibrating your film digitizing equipment, suitable for both DSLR scanning setups and traditional film scanners such as the Epson V850 or Nikon models.

Instructions for Use:

Resolution and Quality: The actual resolution of targets on 35 mm  Adox CMS film is 110 line pairs per mm (lp/mm) or slightly better, confirmed via optical microscopy. 24 MP digital camera typically show resolution 62-69 lp/mm, high-end digital cameras with pixel shift can achieve resolutions 87-98  lp/mm in a single full-frame shot.

Technical Note: It is the camera's pixel pitch (distance between photo sites)  which is mostly responsible for the absolute resolution. The good quality macro lens typically have enough resolving power to out-resolve the majority of sensors, so we we mostly judge and select lenses based on overall uniformity of the image they create.